Certificate Requirements
CPA Training and Certificates
CPA finds it roots in more than 20 years of training for sport, play and recreation surfaces performance that includes the use of all of the test devices provided by CPA and others in developing compliance with relevant Standards. Training covers history of various aspects injury prevention, relevant standard around the world and use of the test devices. Critical to the training is the capture and recording of the information required by Standards utilizing forms and software provided under license to users by CPA.
Operators of the TRIAX Devices and Accessories
The following is a list of persons who have completed the training provided by Canadian Playground Advisory Inc., under section 7 of ASTMF1292 and the accessories and devices provided by CPA. This is a voluntary list of persons who have agreed to perform inspections to ASTM F12192 and appear on this website. Other persons may offer services for testing to ASTM F1292 and they should be able to provide you with a copy of a certificate of training and certificate number that can be verified by contacting Canadian Playground Advisory Inc. The person performing the test must also be able to demonstrate they have a TRIAX2000, TRIAX 2010, TRIAX 2015 or TRIAX TOUCH within current calibration and the ASTM F1929 test procedure is being followed. They shall be able to confirm they have perform their prior to use test on the EVERPLAY provided reference pad. The person performing the testing may be using their own test report format or the software reporting forms provided by Canadian Playground Advisory Inc. to ensure consistency.
Province | Name | Agency | Cert. Date | Certificates | Phone | |
Alberta | Sheldon David | City of Calgary | 18/1/2012 | C446 | 403-312-7620 | Sheldon.David@calgary.ca |
Alberta | Jason Simituk | Quatnum Creations | 780-868-8882 | jsimituk@quantumrecreation.ca | ||
Alberta | Wayne Baptist | C16 | 587-215-3376 | waynebabtist@shaw.ca |
Province | Name | Agency | Cert. Date | Certificates | Phone | |
Manitoba | Jonathan Penner | JD Penner Ltd. | 22/7/2013 | C518 | 204-895-8602 | jon@jdpenner.com |
Province | Name | Agency | Cert. Date | Certificates | Phone | |
New Brunswick | Laurent Bujold | District scholars 5 L’Etoile du Nord | 31/5/2013 | C510 | 506-789-2298 | Laurent.Bujold@gnb.ca |
New Brunswick | Kevin Arseneau | District Scolaire 9 Peninsule Acadienne | 31/5/2013 | C511 | 506-394-3407 | Kevin.arseneau@gnb.ca |
Province | Name | Agency | Cert. Date | Certificates | Phone | |
Ontario | Jim Sanders | Playchek Services Inc | 25/3/2005 | C095 | 519-641-5787 | playchek@rogers.com |
Ontario | Rolf Huber | Canadian Playground Advisory Inc | 5/4/2001 | P004 | 416-410-7506 | rolf@playgruondadvisory.com |
Ontario | Jonathan Huber | Canadian Playground Advisory Inc | 2/4/2005 | C228 | 416-410-7506 | jon@playgruondadvisory.com |
Ontario | Adam Huber | Canadian Playground Advisory Inc | 15/10/2004 | C496 | 416-410-7506 | adam@everplay.com |
Ontario | Robin Horsford | Pegasus Playground Services Inc. | 16/1/2013 | C504 | 416-937-6324 | pegasusplay@look.ca |
Ontario | Peter Kells | Grace-Kells Consultant | 15/3/2000 | C007 | 613-728-0847 | kells@grace-kells.ca |
Ontario | Doug White | At Home & Play | 14/9/2010 | C353 | 519-239-9220 | athomeandplay@gmail.com |
Province | Name | Agency | Cert. Date | Certificates | Phone | |
Quebec | Sylvie Melsbach | RCPEM | 18/4/2007 | C217 | 866-672-8826 | syliemelsbach@rcpem.com |
Quebec | Nancy Sanders | Conception Paysage Inc. | 18/4/2007 | C218 | 514-990-4573 | nsanders@conceptionpaysage.com |
Quebec | Christine Guindon | Conception Paysage Inc. | 5/10/2011 | C401 | 514-990-4573 | mcguindon@cspap.com |
Quebec | Anne-Marie Lafontaine | Beaupre Associes | 31/5/2013 | C506 | 450-963-2220 | mlafontaine@beaupreassocies.com |
Quebec | Anouar Bouzir | Beaupre Associes | 31/5/2013 | C507 | 450-963-2220 | |
Quebec | Josee Lafreniere | Beaupre Associes | 31/5/2013 | C508 | 450-963-2220 | |
Quebec | Marie-Josee Larocque | Ville de Gatineau | 31/5/2013 | C509 | 819-243-2345 | Larocque.marie-josee@gatineau.ca |
Quebec | Karen Poupart | Aecom | 25/8/2015 | C660 | 514-287-8500 | karen.poupart@aecom.com |
Quebec | Christine Baron | Conseil Sport Loisire de L’Estrie | 25/8/2015 | C661 | 819-864-0864 | cbaron.csle@abacom.com |
Quebec | Soniaa Branconnie | 25/8/2015 | C662 | sonia.branconnier@hotmail.fr | ||
Quebec | Raymond Nault | 25/8/2015 | C663 | raymondnault@videotron.ca | ||
Quebec | Andre Emond | Meta Forme Paysages | 18/4/2007 | C221 | 514.384.1114 | aemond@metaforme.qc.ca |
Quebec | Annie Grenon | Grenon-Hogue Ass. | 18/4/2007 | C205 | 819 694-4308 | grenon-hogue@cgocable.ca |
Province | Name | Agency | Cert. Date | Certificates | Phone | |
Vancouver Island | Glynnis Schwan | Vancouver Island Health Authority | 1/6/2005 | C112 | 250-739-5806 | Glynnix.Schwan@viha.ca |
Province | Name | Agency | Cert. Date | Certificates | Phone | |
North America | Valerie Paquette | Labosport | 25/8/2015 | C657 | 514-277-9111 | |
North America | David Olivier Gelinas | Labosport | 25/8/2015 | C658 | 514-277-9111 | |
North America | Thomas Amadei | Labosport | 25/8/2015 | C659 | 514-277-9111 |
State | Name | Agency | Cert. Date | Certificates | Phone | |
California | Doug Evers | Playground Risk Solutions | 21/6.2023 | C967 | 831-818-8080 | dougevers@ymail.com |
California | Curt Wear | Community Playgrounds Inc. | 23/10/2008 | C278, C622 | 415-892-8100 | cwear@commplay.us |
California | David Brown | Community Playgrounds Inc. | 10/3/2015 | C619 | 916-647-0912 | cwear@commplay.us |
California | Todd Larudee | Community Playgrounds Inc. | 10/3/2015 | C620 | 916-647-0912 | cwear@commplay.us |
California | Bill Bagshaw | Community Playgrounds Inc. | 10/3/2015 | C621 | 415-892-8100 | cwear@commplay.us |
California | Clayton Cowperthwait | Community Playgrounds Inc. | 10/3/2015 | C623 | 415-892-8100 | cwear@commplay.us |
California | Craig Faitel | Safe2Play | 10/3/2015 | C664 | 925-999-0117 | cdfaitel@sbcglobal.net |
California | Jamey Clark | Safe Park Services | 16/9/2013 | C529 | 949-588-9692 | jamey@safepark.com |
California | Charles (Chuck) Froeming | Safe Park Services | 16/9/2013 | C530 | 949-588-9692 | |
California | Gary Groshon | Park Safety Analyst | 12/3/2012 | C462 | 949.292.3373 | playgroundanalysts@cox.net |
California | David Spease | Park Safety Analyst | 12/3/2012 | 916-647-0912 | playgroundanalysts@cox.net |
State | Name | Agency | Cert. Date | Certificates | Phone | |
California Southern | Jim Stein | Inspector Playground | 23/11/2010 | C391 | 888-293-7889 | jim.a.stein@gmail.com |
State | Name | Agency | Cert. Date | Certificates | Phone | |
Florida | Keith Nelson | Employers Mutual, Inc. | 28/4/2008 | C253 | 800-431-2221 | Keith.nelson@emi-tpa.com |
Florida | Wayne Simpson | Employers Mutual, Inc. | 28/4/2008 | C251 | 800-431-2221 | Wayne.simpson@emi-tpa.com |
Florida | Ty Allen | Rock Solid | 13/7/2009 | C309 | 407-253-0040 | ty@rocksolidcorp.com |
Florida | Peter Copeman | County of Indian River School District | 22/2/2021 | C911 | 772-205-7923 | peter.copeman@indianriverschools.org |
Florida | Scott Ganger | County of Indian River School District | 22/2/2021 | C912 | 772-539-2260 | scott.ganger@indianriverschools.org |
State | Name | Agency | Cert. Date | Certificates | Phone | |
Georgia | Barry McMilleon | Playitsafe2day, Inc. | 24/3/2011 | C396 | 706-280-9777 | barrym@playitsafe2day.com |
Georgia | Tanya McMilleon | Playitsafe2day, Inc. | 24/3/2011 | C397 | 706-280-9777 | barrym@playitsafe2day.com |
State | Name | Agency | Cert. Date | Certificates | Phone | |
Great Plains & Midwest | Antonio Malkusak | Abundant Playscapes, Inc. | 28/12/2012 | C453 | 319-351-2738 | Antonio@abundantplayscapes.com |
State | Name | Agency | Cert. Date | Certificates | Phone | |
Hawaii | Ian Ross | IPR Hawaii | 23/7/2009 | C311 | 808-845-7788 | Ian@ipr-hawaii.com |
Hawaii | Darren Martinez | IPR Hawaii | 23/7/2009 | C312 | 808-845-7788 | Ian@ipr-hawaii.com |
Hawaii | Peter Hopley | AT3 Inc | 25/8/2011 | C42 | 630-697-6207 | Joe@hawaii-testing.com |
Hawaii | Joseph Graves | Hawaii Testing LLC | 16/1/2014 | C535 | 808-497-6793 | |
Hawaii | Krystal | Carrion | 2/9/2017 | C738 | krystal.j.carrion.civ@mail.mil |
State | Name | Agency | Cert. Date | Certificates | Phone | |
Illinois | Elaine Sherman | Parity Inc. | 17/2/2003 | C42 | 630-697-6207 | |
Illinois | Walter H Flood | Flood Test Laboratories | 22/9/2014 | C604 | 773-721-2200 | whflood@floodlabs.com |
Illinois | Walter H. Flood IV | Flood Test Laboratories | 22/9/2014 | C605 | 773-721-2200 | whflood@floodlabs.com |
Illinois | Michael Ticich | Flood Test Laboratories | 22/9/2014 | C606 | 773-721-2200 |
State | Name | Agency | Cert. Date | Certificates | Phone | |
Maryland | Jeff Clise | Altantic Hurricane | 7/4/2014 | C540 | 301-908-3526 | atlantichurricane@gmail.com |
State | Name | Agency | Cert. Date | Certificates | Phone | |
Missouri | Jack Fry | Fry & Associates Inc. | 7/1/2010 | C342 | 816-581-2921 | jack@fryinc.com |
Missouri | Kevin Marshall | Fry & Associates Inc. | 7/1/2010 | C343 | 816-581-2921 | jack@fryinc.com |
State | Name | Agency | Cert. Date | Certificates | Phone | |
Nevada | Charles Robertson | Charles Robertson | 14/4/2009 | C301 | 702 303-8701 | cdrdogg@gmail.com |
Nevada | Brian Robertson | Charles Robertson | 14/4/2009 | C300 | 702 303-8701 | cdrdogg@gmail.com |
Nevada | Peter Axelson | Peter Axelson | 3/6/2011 | C403 | 775-783-8822 | peter@beneficialdesigns.com |
Nevada | Harvie Keith | Peter Axelson | 3/6/2011 | C404 | 775-783-8822 | peter@beneficialdesigns.com |
State | Name | Agency | Cert. Date | Certificates | Phone | |
New England | John LaRue | J.P. LaRue, Inc | 31/3/2015 | C625 | 800-986-3716 | john@jplarue.com |
State | Name | Agency | Cert. Date | Certificates | Phone | |
New Mexico | Mark McEwen | Balance-Safety | 1/10/2012 | C474 | 505-710-4343 | mceweninc@q.com |
New Mexico | Kelly McEwen | Balance-Safety | 1/10/2012 | C473 | 505-710-4343 | mceweninc@q.com |
New Mexico | Terry Boning | Play-Safe LLC | 18/5.2000 | H5 | 505-899-3532 | playsafe@play-safe.com |
New Mexico | Cherie DeFillippo | Play-Safe LLC | 18/5.2000 | H6 | 505-899-3532 | playsafe@play-safe.com |
New Mexico | Sam “Butch” DeFillippo | Play-Safe LLC | 18/5.2000 | H7 | 505-899-3532 | playsafe@play-safe.com |
New Mexico | P.Duke DeFillippo | Play-Safe LLC | 18/5.2000 | H8 | 505-899-3532 | playsafe@play-safe.com |
New Mexico | Nancy White | Play-Safe LLC | 18/5.2000 | H9 | 505-899-3532 | playsafe@play-safe.com |
New Mexico | Sam Chris DeFillippo | Play-Safe LLC | 21/9/2006 | H11 | 505-899-3532 | playsafe@play-safe.com |
New Mexico | Craig Kelsey | Play-Safe LLC | 21/9/2006 | H10 | 505-899-3532 | playsafe@play-safe.com |
New Mexico | Brett Boning | Play-Safe LLC | 18/5/2000 | H12 | 505-899-3532 | playsafe@play-safe.com |
New Mexico | Brian Cox | Play-Safe LLC | 23/11/2002 | H13 | 505-899-3532 | playsafe@play-safe.com |
New Mexico | Brad A. Villanueva | Play-Safe LLC | 23/11/2002 | H14 | 505-899-3532 | playsafe@play-safe.com |
New Mexico | Stan Ford | Play-Safe LLC | 3/9/2003 | H129 | 505-899-3532 | playsafe@play-safe.com |
New Mexico | Christopher Orlando | Play-Safe LLC | 23/11/2002 | H115 | 505-899-3532 | playsafe@play-safe.com |
New Mexico | Nancy Boning | Play-Safe LLC | 1/5/2004 | H141 | 505-899-3532 | playsafe@play-safe.com |
New Mexico | Peter Tierney | Exscapes LLC | 4/6/2013 | C505 | 575-642-4872 | exscapesllc@hotmail.com |
State | Name | Agency | Cert. Date | Certificates | Phone | |
Ohio | Jim Feterle | Nakai Surfacing Inc. | 24/3/2010 | C350 | 216-272-8483 | jfeterle@nakaisurfacing.com |
Ohio | Jo Feterle | Nakai Surfacing Inc. | 24/3/2010 | C349 | 216-272-8483 | jfeterle@nakaisurfacing.com |
State | Name | Agency | Cert. Date | Certificates | Phone | |
Pennsylvania | Erich Eisenhart | Play Safe Surface testing | 2/10/2010 | C354 | 856-906-9449 | erich@playsafesurfacetesting.com |
State | Name | Agency | Cert. Date | Certificates | Phone | |
Texas | Robert Davis | Grounds for Play | 3/10/2010 | C475 | 800-552-7529 | robertdavis@groundsforplay.com |
Texas | Michael Martini | Grounds for Play | 3/10/2010 | C476 | 800-552-7529 | michaelmartini@groundsforplay.com |
Texas | Katie McDaniel | Grounds for Play | 3/10/2010 | C477 | 800-552-7529 | katiemcdaniel@groundsforplay.com |
Texas | Eric Strickland | Grounds for Play | 3/10/2010 | C478 | 800-552-7529 | ericstrickland@groundsforplay.com |
Texas | Jason Raines | Grounds for Play | 3/10/2010 | C479 | 800-552-7529 | |
Texas | Robert Ahrens | Park Place Recreation Designs Inc. | 28/9/2011 | C413 | 800-552-7529 | andyahrens@me.com |
Texas | Andy Ahrens | Park Place Recreation Designs Inc. | 28/9/2011 | C414, C415, C416 | 210-831-4064 | andyahrens@me.com |
Texas | Krystal | Carrion | 2/9/2017 | C738 | Krystal.j.carrion.civ@mail.mil |
State | Name | Agency | Cert. Date | Certificates | Phone | |
Virginia | Scott DuBois | Southern Playground | 28/2/2012 | C454 | 757-431-0057 | dubois@southernplayground.com |
State | Name | Agency | Cert. Date | Certificates | Phone | |
USA | Jennifer Skulski | National Center on Accessibility | 22/8/2005 | C138 | 812-856-4428 | jskulski@indiana.edu |
USA | Ryan Teeter | LDD Sports | 29/3/2015 | C624 | 607-351-8254 | Ryan.teeter@lddsports.com |
USA | Jeffrey Gentile | SportsLabs USA | 1/4/2015 | C626 | 603-731-6248 | JeffG@SportsLabsUSA.com |
USA | Michael Gentile | SportsLabs USA | 1/4/2015 | C627 | 603-731-6248 | MikeG@SportsLabsUSA.com |
USA | Andrew Roth | SportsLabs USA | 1/4/2015 | C629 | 603-731-6251 | info@SportsLabsUSA.com |
USA | Mark Kovas | SportsLabs USA | 1/4/2015 | C630 | 603-731-6252 | info@SportsLabsUSA.com |
USA | Kieran O’Donnel | SportsLabs USA | 1/4/2015 | C628 | 603-731-6250 | Kieran@SportsLabsUSA.com |
State | Name | Agency | Cert. Date | Certificates | Phone | |
USA / Europe / Oceania | Kieran O’Donnel | SportsLabs USA | 1/4/2015 | C628 | 603-731-6250 | Kieran@SportsLabsUSA.com |
USA / Europe / Oceania | David O’Brien | Park Safety Analyst | 12/3/2012 | C460 | dodgerangel@comcast.net | |
USA / Europe / Oceania | James Demiitre-Groshon | Park Safety Analyst | 12/3/2012 | C461 | psylotipitaka@gmail.com |
Country | Name | Agency | Cert. Date | Certicicate | Phone | |
Australia | Brett Fiedler | Playground Services Australia | 8/6/2013 | C513 | 61-0499 976 383 | brett@playgroundservices.com.au |
Australia | Peter Davey | Ultimate Play | 8/5/2019 | C865 | ||
Australia | Lenny Gow | AAA Playspaces | 23/2/2018 | C786 | lengow@bigpond.com | |
Australia | Michele Gow | AAA Playspaces | 5/8/2019 | C857 | ||
Australia | Craig Schopp | Choose Safety | 5/8/2019 | C585 | Craig Schopp | |
Australia | Michelle Applegate | SafePlay Australia | 5/8/2019 | C868 | michelle@safeplay.com.au | |
Australia | Glen Thawley | SafePlay Australia | 5/8/2019 | C869 | glen@safeplay.com.au | |
Australia | Scott Walton | Bespoke Playground | 5/8/2019 | C869 | Admin@bespokeplaygrounds.com.au | |
Australia | Justin Kaese | PlayForce | 6/8/2019 | C872 | admin@play-force.com.au | |
Australia | Luke Archbold | PlayForce | 6/8/2019 | C873 | ||
Australia | Deon Koelmeyer | PlayForce | 6/8/2019 | C874 | ||
Australia | Daniel Mononey | PlayForce | 6/8/2019 | C875 |
Country | Name | Agency | Cert. Date | Certicicate | Phone | |
Japan | Yozo Hosaka | Hasegawa Sport Facilities | 4/12/2012 | C483 | 61-0499 976 383 | |
Japan | Yuta Uciyada | Hasegawa Sport Facilities | 4/12/2012 | C484 | ||
Japan | Kentarou Yano | Yokohama Rubber Surfacing | 4/12/2012 | C485 | ||
Japan | Hirokatu Amano | SampouRyochuchi Co | 4/12/2012 | C486 | ||
Japan | Satoru Yanagida | Itech Corporation | 4/12/2012 | C488 | ||
Japan | Shin Kurata | Itech Corporation | 4/12/2012 | C489 | ||
Japan | Ryo Kurata | Itech Corporation | 4/12/2012 | C490 | ||
Japan | Takuya Nemoto | Itech Corporation | 4/12/2012 | C491 |
Country | Name | Agency | Cert. Date | Certicicate | Phone | |
Malaysia | Jessie Seow | Greenhill Industries Sdn Bhd | 28/6/2016 | C692 | +60 162061111 | essie@greenhillind.com |
Country | Name | Agency | Cert. Date | Certicicate | Phone | |
Malaysia | Muhammad Iqmal Bin Sulaiman | Fairmont Industries | Playground Triax Testing | +60 3-3291 9696 | iqmal@fairmontindustries.com | |
Malaysia | Mohammad Hairul Bin Suhri | Fairmont Industries | Playground Triax Testing | +60 3-3291 9696 | hairul@fairmontindustries.com |
Country | Name | Agency | Cert. Date | Certicicate | Phone | |
New Zealand | Adam Stride | Park Supplies Company Ltd. | 25/4/2012 | C463 | 021-720-490 | adam@parksupplies.co.nz |
Country | Name | Agency | Cert. Date | Certicicate | Phone | |
Singapore | Teng Hui Hong | Gorica Asia | 25/11/2011 | C425 | +65 68582308 | teng.alen@yahoo.com.sg |
Singapore | Lam Siew Chong | Gorica Asia | 25/11/2011 | C428 | +65 68582308 | mikelams@yahoo.com.sg |
Singapore | Goh Tian Kwee | Gorica Asia | 25/11/2011 | C427 | +65 68582308 | gorica@starhub.net.sg |
Singapore | Lim Kia Lun | Gorica Asia | 25/11/2011 | C428 | +65 68582308 | gorica@starhub.net.sg |
Singapore | Ong King Hong | RSC Play Safety Auditing Services LLP | 25/11/2011 | C421 | +65 64689614 | Ongkhs.rsc@gmail.com |
Singapore | Ong Chuan Ann | RSC Play Safety Auditing Services LLP | 25/11/2011 | C422 | +65 64689614 | Ongkhs.rsc@gmail.com |
Singapore | Ong Siew Chong | RSC Play Safety Auditing Services LLP | 25/11/2011 | C423 | +65 64689614 | Ongkhs.rsc@gmail.com |
Singapore | Ong Yong Zheng | RSC Play Safety Auditing Services LLP | 25/11/2011 | C424 | +65 64689614 | Ongkhs.rsc@gmail.com |
Singapore | Chua Peck Cheong, Patrick | Singapore Test Lab Pte Ltd | 5/8/2019 | C870 | +65 9363 3934 | chuapc@singaporetestlab.sg |
Singapore | MARUKI Bin Mohamed | Singapore Test Lab Pte Ltd | 5/8/2019 | C871 | +65 9363 3934 | mbm@singaporetestlab.sg |
Country | Name | Agency | Cert. Date | Certicicate | Phone | |
Taiwan | Jerery Wang | SGS Taiwan Ltd. | 17/10/2008 | C276 | 886 (2) 22993279 | Jerery.wang@sgs.com |